
We're back, after a week spent with dear friends in New York.

What was a typical day like, you may wonder?

In the morning, we laid about lazily by the ocean, only to be pulled away from our half-slumber by a certain little boy to chase the surf and the occasional butterfly.

We then took the train into the city,

where we walked around until our feet throbbed, had ice cream from street vendors, and climbed rocks in Central Park.

In the afternoon, we came back to the beach house, deliciously exhausted, just in time for a glorious sunset by the bay.

Truly, we couldn't have asked for a better vacation. Thanks Mark, Jen and Maia!


  1. the perfect vacation....the beach and nyc all mixed together!!!
    so glad you had a good time

  2. Maria--Great pictures! And I love the blog, going to look at places tomorrow afternoon--will keep you posted.


  3. It sounds wonderful!
    My vacations are starting tonight: I can't wait....


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