Don't forget the ceiling

I love browsing through magazine galleries online. Sometimes you stumble upon the most intriguing images. This one comes via Canadian House and Home. Stunning. But unexpected, for me, that I found it...well, stunning. I don't usually go for this much color, or this color for that matter.... but it was so intriguing to me, the ornate wallpaper on the ceiling and unapologetic color on the kitchen cabinets, combined with how bare and simple it all is otherwise. I guess I was drawn to the contrast of those two concepts.

I also like this idea, especially for a kid's room:

A world map on the ceiling?? Pretty sweet idea, methinks. I couldn't find a photo of it online, so my apologies for the less-than-ideal picture I had to take of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine! I hope you guys can get the idea, though. Love it.

And I'll leave you with another wallpaper option for a ceiling, this one designed by Julia Rothman, and used for the fun nursery of Laurie Rhoney's baby.

(For more pictures of this nursery and a fun interview with Laurie, visit urban grace interiors here.)


  1. I love this idea and these examples, especially that glorious green kitchen. I have to say, I usually do go for this much color, but in this situation I think it works so well because of the simple, industrial environs. Now I wonder how my husband would feel about some juicy apple green kitchen cabinets???

    p.s.-I'm so glad I've discovered your blog as of late. I'm really enjoying it and in particular, your writing style. You have a lovely way with words. :0)

  2. my mom was OBSESSED with wallpaper when i was growing up and she even had our ceilings wallpapered. i used to hate it, but now i'm kind of fond of it.

    p.s. i have a very complicated email about paper lanterns for you that i have to finish up. expect it some time in the afternoon. :)

  3. (I'm not supposed to be looking at blogs until tomorrow...but I'm cheating a bit w/ my A-List.--shhhhh.)

    It's not something I've thought much about, Sistine Chapel excluded, but I think I like the ceilings done up. I really like the top image and the map is such an interesting idea too.

  4. Oh my goodness! I have thought about how left out the ceiling must be several times, so this just gives me a push to go paint mine! Awesome!

  5. These are fantastic! I have so many memories lodged away of hours spent staring at various ceilings in my life. There was a planked one I remember well, light-stained, knotted pine, like a floor only on the ceiling, and I'd lie on my bed and imagine the various knots in the wood as creatures, eyeballs, animals.

    Otherwise, staring at a white popcorn-sprayed ceiling with a scary dusty ceiling fan is just a bummer.

    I feel I have deprived my son by not providing flying birds overhead from when he was just a tiny thing. Oh well, too late now.

  6. that nursery is too cute with the little birdhouses on the wall! oh and the ceiling in the kitchen is perfect, i love it.


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