Where we blog from

Good morning, dears. I was ridiculously flattered when Jane asked me to be a part of this wonderful series... Won't you come visit me over at Jane's lovely blog, Ill Said, Ill Said, today? I'm still pinching myself at the honor. It truly is a privilege to share a little bit of your beautiful corner of the world with you, Jane. Thank you. Most of all, know that I consider myself extremely lucky to count you as a friend. So thank you for your friendship, too.

(image: me)


  1. Thanks Maria! I'm so glad to have you participate and to know you.


  2. Your island and dresser are remarkably similar to mine, so I enthusiastically approve! And it's lovely to blog from a non-office area. Just off over to have a look at Ill Seen, Ill Said now.

  3. How exciting! What a treat for us, too :)

    PS. I feel like I've been gone for ages, it's so good to see you :)

  4. Ah, I've been waiting for this one! I love this series. Now, I love it even more! You know where I'm heading....

  5. maria- i love getting a peek at where you blog from. it's such a beautiful place--something that is reflected in your blog posts.

  6. Oh - I loved it! I really like how you spread out on the butcher block with the things that inspire you...it ispired me! I just got a laptop myself and am looking forward to being a little more mobile. Nice job!

  7. I was waiting for this one! I love this series and now, I love it even more!

    You know where I'm off to...

  8. beautiful. the two of you together...even more beautifu! xo t

  9. Hola MAría!! a ver cuando preparás las fotos de tu casa,para mi blog!!!!!!

  10. I just love when you show us new photos of your home, Maria :) And thank you for your email, by the way. You're so sweet.


  11. This is a beautiful space...so inspiring! I love the light shining through. Your home is lovely.

  12. love your space and what you wrote about it. love jane's series too!

  13. i am telling you...now that i've seen your BLOG?!

    oy. i want to move in. everything here is so fresh. so clean.

    for the first time all day i feel relaxed. how nice is that?!

  14. What a lovely home! I enjoy looking through your previous posts and dreaming of re-doing my home...

  15. Your kitchen looks like the perfect place to blog, eat, drink, rest, love.

  16. My husband and I have remodeled 2 older homes with a theme much like yours, including the farm house sink, bead board, etc. We have since moved out of state and live in a more modern home. I didn't realize how much I missed our older home style until I saw your blog. Thank you for the inspiration and your home is Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.

  17. I love this space, it looks so open and fresh!!!

  18. Absolutely beautiful!

  19. How lovely!

  20. I've seen you also on Design Sponge... You are too amazing!


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