Giving thanks

Erin, from Reading My Tea Leaves, is a wonderful writer and photographer, and I was pleasantly surprised when I found an email from her in my inbox this morning letting me know she was posting this little picture I sent her, from the neighborhood where I live:

Blogging is proving to be more difficult than I had expected - there is so much out there already..! I want to post so many things, and then I get lost in all of the beautiful images and words others are posting. So, editing is certainly more overwhelming than I thought it would be.

I also find that I am having a little bit of a hard time navigating the two worlds that blogging encompasses. Interestingly (and somewhat uncomfortably for me), blogging is a private endeavor that really does not take its first breath until it steps into the public domain; it's a sort of communal journal writing that depends on others to continue to develop. I don't think I anticipated how strange a space that would be for me.

In that spirit, then, I wanted to take a moment to thank Erin for helping me take one of the many steps toward achieving this elusive balance between the privacy from which I type these words and the web of people that might read them... In essence, thank you, Erin, for inviting me into your community.


  1. of course...welcome to the journey!

  2. hi ...saw this pic on erin's blog and loved it!! so fun to see greenville (i'm from g'ville too!)
    happy to find your fun blog

  3. hi michelle,

    thanks for stopping by..! i'll have to hop over to your blog when i have a little more time -- i peeked in for a just a moment and loved what i saw. :) so happy to find someone else from greenville through blogging!


  4. Maria, I just found your blog today via I can't remember! She posted several links and this one just grabbed me. I love the way you express yourself. Your house is beautiful and inspires me to get started on my own house. When we moved in we decided to wait a year before doing anything and in that year I've discovered the wonderful world of interior design blogs. Thank you for sharing your journey. I can't wait for your next post and I can't wait to get started on my own house!


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