The new paint chip

Geninne, of Geninne's Art Blog, has just stepped up the game for designers everywhere:

Wouldn't it be nice if paint chips looked like this? Maybe people would not feel as intimidated by color. I mean, would recalling a bunny cozy in its burrow, or a bright-feathered bird, or a soothing aloe plant as you looked at a freshly painted wall ever feel wrong?

I didn't think so.

And the little peeks of her home and studio are just as beautiful and inspiring:

And she also posts photos of her adorable new puppy, Turbo, who apparently has sprouted a blog all of its own.

Need I say any more for you to go visit? What are you still doing here?? Now go, already, go! Oh, and don't forget to stop by her Etsy shop, too!

Oh, my... And she is having a stamp giveaway.


  1. thank you for this post. beautiful and inspiring. she is an amazing artist brimming with ideas.

  2. I am not so sure I need another addiction...thanks so much anyway... :) heading over there now...xo t

  3. Dear Maria,
    thanks for stopping by my blog! This is such a beautiful inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  4. So much swooning - I'm feeling dizzy! I would definitely remember paint chips better if they looked like these :)

  5. what a gorgeous space, my goodness. i love those old cupboards.


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