Gustavian goodness

It's that quiet, unassuming glamour,

that honest country feel paired with pretty fabrics and crystal chandeliers.

It's that stately elegance,

mingling with the hard-wearing surfaces of farm life.

Ultimately, it's that Swedish light;

perhaps a little melancholy at times, but also quite magical... wouldn't you agree?

(images: at casa via desire to inspire)


  1. Agreed. Absolutely lovely in every aspect. I adore it all...the light, the simple
    restrained color palette, the honest finishes and the ode to nature. Beautiful round-up Maria. And your writing elevates the humble images to something extra special.

    Oh, and if your on speaking terms with the owners, I'm
    head over heels for that gorgeous white corner stove/ fireplace!

  2. I agree :) Love the last line you wrote...said perfectly.

  3. I agree! There was a Swedish restaurant we used to go to in NYC, one year we showed up and saw it had closed all I could think about was what happened to all of their beautiful chairs!

  4. that kitchen looks divine!

  5. I love this look. It has more dignity than I can muster or remain true to, but in a calmer world I would sit and breathe the peace of these rooms.

  6. I knew this was Swedish immediately. I love this look.

  7. So beautiful and calming. I adore all the distressed wood and lovely touches.

  8. This post brings that lovely William Morris quote to mind.

    “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”

  9. Oh, that is a lovely quote, Denise..!

    I try to live like that as much as possible, although sharing a home with two *serious* pack-rats makes it... a bit challenging at times.

    I do believe those two pack-rats to be absolutely (indispensably, in fact) beautiful, though. So I guess, the quote still applies... Heh.


  10. yes, yes, and the branch coming out of the bottle! xo

  11. Swedish indeed! And to me very lovely. I actually used to import Swedish antiques (think a lot of gray) and I have a similar standing plate rack as the one in the kitchen. It used to belong at a castle and I have promised the Swedish antique dealer that I bought it from, to never sell it. Right now it is leaning against a wall in my husband's home office. With nothing on it (hey, with 3 young kids I will get there someday!). My poor husband does not understand the beauty of that piece yet. But I love it!

    Have a lovely weekend Maria!

  12. This is such a beautiful and comforting space! Thank you very much for your comment and your suggestions! Have a nice weekend! Monika

  13. these are so pretty! i love the scandanavian look with white walls and whitewashed floors. such nice things to look at on a grey friday afternoon. hope your weekend is nice, maria!

  14. love this style! Especially the colors are so beautiful! have a lovely weekend!

  15. SO incredibly beautiful and yes, melancholy and magical. :) Thank you for your sweet comments both at Mrs. French's and ML....( I didn't even notice hun! So, please no worries! ) :) I haven't spent nearly enough time on your blog! Where have I been? Under a rock apparently!

  16. Those Swedes have such great design taste!

  17. Love your aesthetic. I'll be back!!


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