Patchwork friendships

I often have moments when I think, blogging is too much work. It takes up too much of my time. And so I make these rules for myself: "I will only post two times a week," I say, emphatically. Or, "The laptop must remain upstairs after I pick Noah up from school," I tell the dog as she looks at me dubiously and gives me a couple of uncertain wags. Or, I add with authority: "I will only read blogs when the wind is blowing from the North." Or better yet, I decide: "I will only post when it's raining - and the sun is out. And there must be a rainbow."

And then I make a new friend. I meet someone who just seems to be living my life in a way, but a different one altogether - sometimes in an entirely different part of the world. And I think, I wish I could just have a cup of tea with her. I wish, I say to myself, we could be sitting at the kitchen table talking and having a real-life friendship. Our kids playing in the background while we chat. Or just Noah, building Legos and jumping off a mountain of couch pillows while we catch up. We have so much in common, I think, and we haven't even met in person...! It's wild.

And so it is that I keep coming back. Because I'm amazed at the talent out there. And the kindness and thoughtfulness. And the many kindred spirits that I never imagined could have ever possibly been out there, without my knowledge, but are.

And I am surprised and grateful when, every once in a while, I meet someone like that. It's a nice reminder, in the middle of all the chaos, that the world is a good place after all. Because it is.

So, to those of you who have touched my life in some way through this crazy world of blogs: thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I am grateful to have met you - even if it's in a virtual sort of way. I'll take what I can and consider myself a lucky person. Because I am.

(image: little byrd vintage and handmade)


  1. I love this post. I know just how you feel! :)

  2. you know exactly how i feel. i've been unemployed for ten months (until today) and bloggers have gotten me through some dark days with their support and cheery words.

    i'm glad you're around - even if it's only on rainbow days.

  3. Thank you for continuing to come hold a special place in this 'blog world', and inspiration comes from your corner too!

    There are some amazing people out there, and I am constantly blown away by the creativity, warmth, and overall goodness of humanity.

  4. How funny, I make some of the same rules...I try and stick to 2 posts a week and I keep my laptop in my office (well it's really more of a closet, but that's a whole other story) and I don't drag it everywhere I go! There are just so many wonderful, friendly, uplifting people in blogland though, that it's hard to stay away!

    :) T

  5. What an evocative thought that is of yours, Maria: our communal blogging creates a patchwork fabric that's more than the sum of its parts. It's so true. May the weather be conducive to much posting from you!

  6. Simply perfect post. I'm fairly new to the decorating blog world, and I too have been in awe of the talent and graciousness out there. It helps me stay sane most days...helps me feel normal...and inspires me. You have a lovely place here that I love to visit. Thank you.

  7. Well Said, Maria. The blog world is funny that way. I find myself talking about other bloggers, as in "my friend so and so" and then realize we're not really friends in the ordinary sense, but there is something about their posts and comments that makes it seems like we really are kindred spirits. Its a different kind of friendship, but I think its quite nice.

  8. i have met some of the most lovely people online, and have been lucky enough to meet a couple of them in person. patchwork is a good correlation - each person has a little piece of me and i of them, and they all overlap somewhere, somehow

  9. I completely understand what you mean. How wonderful that we can make these connections across miles and wires and find new friends. I have said before that I wish I could start my own little village and populate it with friends I have met through my blog. What a wonderful and creative place it would be.

  10. so beautiful what you are saying here! i, follow your blog silently, but today i want say you "hi! i like it so much this your little quiet and bright place".
    from italy, tiziana :)

  11. maria--i know how you feel! i am always amazed at the people i meet through blogs. who knew there were so many wonderful people out there? i love getting glimpses into their lives and sharing a slice of my life in return.

    thank you for all your inspiration and encouraging words. i'm so glad to have met you!

  12. Amen, Maria! When all that we hear around us is bad news - the world seems to be falling apart - everyone is fighting with each other - it is SO nice to find people in this blog world who are kind to one another, encourage one another and love to just laugh with each other! Thank you for that post!

  13. I used one of your inspirational interior decorating sites that you rocks! Something Canada? haha


  14. What a lovely reminder. And articulated, as always, in such a perfect way. I feel much the same and let's just say, I'll keep my fingers crossed for more rainy days, sunshine included, with a rainbow in the background. Deal?

  15. Isn't that the truth. Its quite amazing and not something everyone would understand but I am so happy to be a part of this blogosphere.

  16. Dear Maria,

    I am grateful to have met you.


  17. Bill, Noah and I escaped for one last weekend away at the beach before the weather gets too cold... Just dropping in to thank everyone for their kind comments... And see? Not a rainbow in sight and here I am after all...


  18. beautifully put. I couldn't agree with you more hun, and I am so glad you shared this with us. And so happy you find yourself blogging more than you thought you would! :)

  19. i've been feeling the same way this week. i am so amazed at the friendships i've made through Etsy/ is still so surreal to me, but oh so sweet! and i consider you one of those friends :-) p.s. love that pillow!

  20. :) I love the title SO fitting. I had to laugh about your rules for blogging. I have been busy these last few days and haven't been on the copmuter and miss my friends here. Thank you for posting up that pciture of the pillow - how wonderful that it shared space with this beautiful post!!! Enjoy your weekend at the beach :)

  21. The friends I've met through this crazy thing called blogging have been such a blessing!

  22. you have many kindred spirits here! i absolutely share your dilemma, to blog or not to blog. i get lost for hours it seems, deep into beauty and discovery. but then i realize i'm not fully present in the rest of my world, my tangible world. the sharing is invaluable though, so please do blog at your comfortable pace, we'll be here.

  23. uh, you better not just be posting when it's raining, and the sun is out, and there must be a rainbow!! or else!
    but at the same time, don't let it take over and become a burden. you would be terribly, terribly missed if that ever happened. :(

  24. so well said. i never set any rules, but have finally found my blogging routine - that being, no routine at all. just blogging when it feels right and when time permits. hope your weekend is going well. :)

  25. Tons of good thoughts and energy back to you, Maria! Yes, isn't this blog amazing! But I think Ann Marie (post before me) said it best - with "no routine". I thought I knew how to do this (with work and 3 young children) but just got to stressed. Now, I am blogging ONLY when I want to - and everything is falling beautifully into place. Happy week! OX Monika.

  26. This is a lovely wonderful post. A few times now, I've been fortunate enough to make that shared-tea moment. My only wish is it happened more often.

  27. we are so lucky to have found you is amazing to me that someone so talented can have such a big heart...I have pinch-me moments like this all the time...xo t

  28. Such a beautiful post! I am so new to the blogging world but I have to agree there are so many ladies out here that I would love to be friends with too. I have many friends in the real world but none that really get my passion for garage sales, decorating, sweaters and such. There is so much talent and inspiration and everyone is amazingly kind in here.
    Again, a very nicely put sentiment and I'm now a follower!

    Bye for now!

  29. ....this is so is hard sometimes, and so time consuming....there have to be limits and boundaries....but then it is the best thing to be able to go anywhere in the world and "know" people through the world of is so great to feel connected to kindred spirits that you may have never met otherwise...

    ...the great side of technology:)


  30. I'm thankful as well for these blogging friendships. But I feel a bitter-sweetness too...of not being able to share that cup of tea. Your post puts it all in a good perspective. Thanks, Maria.

  31. this is such a nice post, maria! i feel the same way about blogging and the people i've "met" through it, feeling that we have so much in common and wishing they lived in my neighborhood so we could hang out. i'm always amazed by how kind people are and wish they knew just how much their kindness means to me for real.

  32. What a great post! I am new to your blog via Rue's PB&J and I love your blog! Now a subscriber. I so understand this post and have felt this way many of times in the last year...but I wouldn't give it up for anything, just like finding you. :) Love your style and your writtings...thank you for blogging! I will be back often and look forward to getting to know you.


  33. I love that patchwork pillow. Sometimes the most simple designs of squares can look as good as any complex pattern. Such pretty, soft colours.

  34. Hi Maria, I just started my blog last week! Ahh! Your's has been an inspiration for me in the process. I just read the above letter and you don't know how much it means to me to have read what you wrote. Perfect timing. Thank you for sharing. Oh, and if you get the chance, I would love for you to visit me over at ps. Your home is stunning!
    xo Samantha

  35. i love your blog! just came across it today.
    i too am all about patchwork. mixing fabrics, jewelry, just about anything....its always more special, more "me" when its my own combination.

  36. Love this post. Love your blog and your lovely home and I couldn't have said it better myself! I'm always making "blogging rules" in my own head too : )


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