Taking a break

I've been feeling the need to simplify for a while now... It feels a little bit like my center has been slowly floating away from me, and I need to stop and gather my thoughts to see if I can find myself again.

I realize I don't post that often, but I thought I should let you know that I will be taking a little break from blogging. It may be just a few days - or perhaps a few weeks. Whatever the case, I have a suspicion that I will be back sooner than I think, because - well, you know.

I am sending my love to you all and I am hoping you will have a wonderful holiday season if I don't make it back here before the end of the year.

(image: via apartment therapy)


  1. If you need to slow down, you need to slow down. Take it easy and delight in the peace. We'll see you whenever you're back.

  2. Maria, just float along until you end up where you need to be. Floating can be good. Peace and love.

  3. Enjoy your time off...we all need a break now and again! Of course, I would love to see your home at Christmas time, but if you don't make it back until next year, I will wish you a very Merry Christmas in advance!!!

    :) T

  4. Maria- Take the time that you need. I'll definitely miss you while you're gone, but I look forward to the lovely posts you will write when you are renewed and refreshed. Happy Holidays!

  5. wishing you lots of good rest and peace. xo.

  6. friend......somedays I have these very same thoughts....and I am having one of those weeks!...let's get together soon for coffee.....


  7. Maria - I hope you're okay. Of course - take the time you need. Find your centre. Savour your days. We'll look forward to your return!

  8. enjoy your break, refresh and regenerate.

    happy holidays if you need to go until '10!


  9. More power to you for listening to your instincts Maria! It's admirable. I'll be here when you get back. :)

  10. Enjoy your vacay. I'm all about recharging the old battery!

  11. Feel that? Well, it's a hug for you along with a sweet wishes for a restful reprieve.

    I'll be right here waiting for you when you return. Just keep the light on, okay. :)


  12. Love your blog...
    Take some time to regroup. I'm sure the reward will be ours when you return.

  13. Have a wonderful holiday season sweetie pie! Take as much time as you need. I look forward to your return :)

  14. Dear Maria, I can totally understand you. There are so many responsibilites and sometimes blogging can be one, too. Honestly, I will miss your beautiful and clever posts and your always kind comments. I wish you a great time off! I hope you will be able to concentrate on things that really matter. Have a wonderful holiday season! Monika

  15. hi dear Maria! i COMPLETELY understand! hope you have a very lovely break!

  16. I also understand completely! Sometimes a much needed break is essential. I will
    miss visiting your blog and seeing what lovely photos and words you had to share with us all. I look forward to your return. Take all the time you need!

    -Tania :)

  17. enjoy your break, maria. sometimes it is right to do just that, you know? rest up and i look forward to reading again when you are back.
    xo jill

  18. Hi Maria,

    All I ask is that you take care of yourself and do what you need to do. Make Maria happy.

    Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. That's not just a "sentence", I mean it. Okay?


  19. Oh how I wish I could invite you over for a cuppa coffee (or tea) (or a glass of wine for that matter). It would be lovely to chat instead of clicking keyboard letters back and forth. I feel much the same. Much too often. Life is too short, do whatever is necessary for you and your family. The only litmus test you should consider is the happiness of the aforementioned.

    Take care dear Maria. Have a glorious, restful, but still invigorating Holiday season. I'll be happy to hear of it whenever you are ready!

    Take care-xoxoxo

  20. But I just discovered this beautiful blog!! :) Seriously, take all the time you need to relax and get reenergized. Just know you'll be missed.

  21. Enjoy your time, and take your time - life can get get away on us at the best of times. It is so so important to take the time to regroup. I loved your post on Patchwork Friendships - I think you summed up blogging perfectly. Have a wonderful break!

  22. enjoy your break...and the holidays, if i don't see you before then
    take care

  23. I sympathize with the feeling. Enjoy your break!

  24. yes my darling--you must do whatever feels right for you now--we will all be here waiting for whatever beauty you'd like to share when you feel ready...good luck and deep breaths..! this too shall pass.

  25. have a good time and take care! wish you all the best!

  26. Happy Holidays to you too, Maria. Hope you will be back soon!

  27. Much rest and calm to you my dear, xx

  28. Beautiful Maria, take your time. We all need to recharge our batteries now and then. I will be waiting for you when you get back. Sending you tons of warm thoughts and good energy. Cyber hug, Mon.

  29. María :te invito a Buenos Aires, unos días de vacaciones!!!


  30. Just wanted to say hi-"Hi!"

    Hope all is well!


  31. I miss you already, come back soon!

  32. Enjoy your break. I miss you, but am glad you are taking some time for yourself. And everything else you are doing. Happy Holidays.

  33. enjoy your break. the balance is always such a trick for me: like sweating on a tightrope one minute and skipping down a tree-lined lane the next. sending so many good thoughts your way: for balance, rest, perspective, peace, and all things shiny over the holidays. xoxo, k.

  34. Wonderful Maria. Just wanted to wish you and your family a fun and joyous holiday. I look forward to your return to blog land (Yes, girlie! You are coming back!).

    Cyber hug, Monika

  35. i hope you're doing well. have the best holiday and enjoy your break.

  36. I hope your enjoying your break, Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog, May the happiness of the holiday season be yours today and always x

  37. Hi,
    Brympton Towers calling ,Somerset England.
    Readorable blog award from an eccentric English lady that agrees wholeheartedly with dreams. Follow my dreams live on my blog with a cup of tea and I'll imagine you in your beautiful living space.
    Take care Happy new year Susanxxx

  38. I hope you are enjoying your break, but please know that I look forward to your return. Your blog is beautiful and has been so inspiring to me. Happy New Year!

  39. Happy New Year, Maria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Dear Maria,

    I hope you are enjoying your break, I look forward to reading more from you soon.



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