It's here!!

Well, my friends, the magazine featuring our kitchen and bathroom has hit the stands - and our kitchen is on the cover!!! I'm pretty flattered. And happy. And frankly, I'm blushing a little. And-and... I'm rather speechless, actually.

Many thanks to associate editor Rachel Haugo for spotting our kitchen on Design Sponge and starting this amazing process; to writer Suzanne Morrisey for being such a pleasure to work with; and to Marie McCartan for writing such a kind introduction in the editor's letter. I'm incredibly grateful to you all. Thank you.

The magazine is called Kitchen+Bath Makeovers and it's a publication of Better Homes and Gardens... you know, in case you feel the urge to go out and buy it. (Just imagine: you'll get to see Brie's lovely photography in real life, which is, in and of itself, absolutely worth the money.)

My apologies to local folks, though - between Bill and I, we may have bought all the copies available in Greenville, SC.

Oh, I kid, I kid..! (Sort of.)

Here is a picture of the cover - I sure hope you get to at least take a little peek while you wait in line at the grocery store or sip coffee at the bookstore..!

(images: pictures of photographs by brie williams)


  1. AMAZING!! CONGRATS friend!

    there better be copy for me because I want one......and an autograph at that :)

    hope you are well!


  2. Beautiful and well deserved as it just looks so good. xoxo

  3. oh, it looks so good on the pages of the magazine!!! congratulations - that is awesome. :) i am so proud for you.

  4. Hey!!!!!! Congratulations Maria!! It looks so beautiful :) I can't wait to find a copy of the magazine.

  5. wauuuuuuu maria!!!!!!!!que lindooooo!!!!!!!tu casa en esa revista tannnn divina!!!!!!!!ya me imagino que no entran en la ropa del orgulloooooo!!!los felicito a vos y a toda la familia que son los que hacen de tu casa esa preciosura!!!!!!!!muchos besos para todos y a disfrutar de la fama,ja ja!!!!!!!besos maria!

  6. AnonymousMay 04, 2010

    That is incredible!! ohmygosh! i would DIE if something like that ever happened to me!! Congrats! :)

  7. Congratulations! How exciting! I'll have to pick up a copy:)

  8. I am SO happy for you. And I am anxious to get out and get the magazine!! Congratulations!! :-)


  9. I was just thinking about this and I was gonna ask you when I could find it! Brilliant! It looks just lovely. Very much like this blog. I can't wait to pick up a copy. I'll tell the clerk and everyone in the shop that I know the owner of the kitchen on the cover.

  10. AnonymousMay 04, 2010

    It is well deserved! You have such a lovely home and such a great eye for the prettiest vintage look. I was so happy I found your blog so I can always have great inspiration! Congratulations!

  11. Yay! That looks AMAZING! I love your eye, Maria, as you know, and this couldn't happen to nicer, warmer person. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful.

  12. Oh my!! Congratulations. I WILL be purchasing this magazine for sure.

  13. yeah! how exciting. looks gorgeous x

  14. Miss Maria!! That is so awesome!! The cover - Eeek!! The pictures all look fabulous - I mean how could they not!! So happy for you, Bill and Noah:) Hmm I am going off in hopes that I can buy a copy online! ENJOY my lovely friend~ Tina xx

  15. Oh, my. That is wonderful. And your kitchen should be on the cover, it’s to die for gorgeous. You have great taste and a great eye for design and detail. Congrats. I’ll be looking for a copy for myself.

  16. Congrats, Maria! I can't wait to get a copy! So happy for you~

  17. Congratulations, Maria!!!! That is SO exciting :) I'm sure you never dreamed, as you painted those cabinets, that all of your hard work would be repaid in this way! I'm very happy for you, friend!


  18. wow, that is amazing!!! how surreal to see your own kitchen in a magazine and a home & gardens publication at that. congrats!!

  19. congratulations maria! so so exciting! i'll be looking for it in the bookstore.

  20. Woohoo--I must go out and find a copy! Of course you got the cover. Not surprising at all. It looks great, from here...but I still want my own copy.

  21. It looks amazing, Maria!!! Huge congratulations and I am going to hunt down a copy tomorrow! I can't wait to see it in print :)

  22. Congratulations !!! qué bueno, es que tu casa es muy linda y tiene toda la onda !! me alegro !!

  23. OOH so pretty. I'll have to get this magazine. Lucky you being featured and having that beautiful house too!

  24. Yahoo!!! I'm so excited to get a copy. I'm so excited for you!! I love everything you have done with your house.

  25. Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! So happy for you.. Your kitchen is beautiful.. enjoy your gleem! I can't wait to buy the issue!!!!
    :) Lara

  26. Woohoo! How exciting, Maria! It all looks just so wonderful! Congratulations!
    Big hug, Liz

  27. Wow that is so exciting. I have been following your blog for a while and it feels like I know someone famous. :)

  28. Oh Maria, that is soooooo great! Congratulations. Your house look gorgeous!

  29. Wow! Congratulations! You deserve it you have an amazing sense of style.

  30. Happy Dance, Happy Dance!! Maria I'm just thrilled!!! I'm so, SO happy for you!! Congratulations!!! I am going to the bookstore tomorrow and they better have it! Oh I can't wait. I'll have to tear the photos out and start the inspiration board I've been meaning to start for sometime now. hahahaha I think I'm just speechless now, words in my head keep getting jumbled up. *Just so excited and happy for you* :)

    Take care and *one more happy dance* hahahaha


  31. It is absolutely stunning! Congratulations!!

  32. I'm going to go snatch up all the copies in LA! So amazing to see this!
    Congratulations! xoxo

  33. i'm picking up my copy tomorrow - very timely, as we need to redo our bathroom :)

  34. Well done, Maria! The place looks amazing, and I wish I could see the magazine for myself. I hope you inspire many readers with your lovely and restful rooms.

  35. That's so exciting!!!! Your kitchen is so gorgeous :)

  36. That is fantastic offcourse. Nice kitchen as well. Congratulations.
    Greetz Madelon

  37. Congratualtions! What a fabulous honour to be featured in a magazine. Your home is beautiful and very deserving.

  38. Congrats! Your kitchen is amazing so I'm not surprised they chose you! =)


  39. OMG! Yippeee! I am so incredibly happy for you Maria, my friend! I cannot wait to pick up my copy! Now, if I can just my kitchen to look exactly the same way! :) YAY! Congratulations my dear!

  40. Oh, you guys are seriously making me blush now - thanks for all your kind comments..!


  41. Hi Maria -- I'm a brand new reader as of today, and I picked a good day to start, didn't I? Congratulations on your feature! How incredibly exciting. From what I've seen so far, I can't wait to check out the rest of your blog. I'm fixing up an 1800s log home with my husband in a kind of vintage "rustic modern" style, and I've seen so much I like in your posts already. I'm sure you'll be hearing from me again soon! :-)

  42. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    congrats!!! your kitchen looks so put-together & i love all the white & natural light flooding in :]

  43. it's wonderful! congratulations dear Maria!

  44. Maria, it was a pleasure to work with you! I'm thrilled you're so pleased with how it turned out. Your home is beautiful and you were a joy! Best wishes!

  45. Congrats! I saw that at the store the other day and kept thinking I had already purchased that issue because the cover photo was so familiar. :) Now I remember why!

  46. Congratulations! Beautiful! I will be certain to pick one up at the store this week. :)

  47. Oh my GOSH Maria! That is so wonderful! You deserve the credit-your kitchen is just fabulous!

  48. How fun! My kitchen is in the same issue--check it out! Pages 56-61. I'm signing up to follow you! Love your simple style!!!

  49. Congratulations! I will definitely be on the look out for that issue. Your kitchen is unbelievable!

  50. Congratulations!!! Wow, you are so talented and amazing. I hope one day I can have a dream kitchen like yours. I heart the way you use white. I'll definitely check out the magazine section for the Kitchen+Bath Makeovers. -Kaho

  51. WOW! How fun and cool is that? Congratulations!

  52. Wowza! Lucky duck, you! And a gorgeous looking kitchen at an even more gorgeous price! Becky (who is also in that same mag) sent me your way...glad she did! Off to check out more of your blog!

  53. Wow! That is huge news! Your house is famous!

  54. Hola María!!!!!!! qué bueno que ya salió tu casa en la revista!!
    Te hago un enlace mañana desde mi blog, te parece?

  55. Wow! You deserve it! Your home is visually stunning, and I get a lot of inspiration from your style. I'm going to pick up a copy so that I can have a hard copy.

  56. Oh that is so cool!
    I have to find it.
    It looks like a beautiful layout.
    You're famous!

  57. I know you are grinning from the moon and back. As you should be. This is soooooo exciting. I am positively thrilled for you. Couldn't be happier. They are a smart bunch over at that publication and it wouldn't surprise me one single bit if this was just the first of many. Your kitchen looks beautiful. I am on the look out for this issue. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

    Congratulations, Maria!


  58. how cool are you! I'll be hitting the stands looking for this! it looks just lovely Maria - you are officially famous.

  59. Congratulations! Your kitchen is simply lovely - as is the rest of your house. It is like my dream house...perhaps you should come here and help me decorate! ;)

  60. congrats, maria! you deserve the recognition! the magazine looks amazing and i can't wait to find it in a bookstore so that i can see it in person.

    i've had greenville on my mind because i've been reading a book by dorothy allison. she's a great storyteller.

  61. MarianneMay 06, 2010

    I just found the magazine this morning. I hope you can answer two questions: 1) did you stain the IKEA countertops and then put a polyurethane on them? 2) how does the wood hold up around the sink area with all the water?
    Fabulous job!

  62. Hi Marianne,

    The island countertop is Numerar in Oak - it's a little thicker and I did not do anything to it other than oil it a couple of times since we've installed it.

    The countertop around the sink is the more affordable Ikea countertop, Pronomen, which is a bit thinner and comes in beech only. I did stain that one (English Oak, I think) and then put a couple of coats of poly on it. It has held up fine, but we are careful to wipe water off the countertop when we are done with the dishes, and we never leave water standing on it.

    I hope that answers your questions!


  63. Congrats to you! I have always thought your house was magazine worthy! I will be looking for it here in IL.

  64. Congrats to you, so very exciting! You must have sore cheeks from smiling so much! It is much deserved as you are a true talent and your kitchen just shines.

  65. Wow, leaving a comment here is like being the last person to sign a group birthday card. I'm just gonna squeeze my BIG congratulations in a corner and hope you can read my writing! This is fantastic. You can be very proud of all your beautiful work, we are! I'll have the mag in my hot little hands as soon as Mothers Day is over. Big hug. xoxo Jane

  66. I love your house! Every photo I've seen of it just makes me so happy. Congrats on getting the cover! Your kitchen totally deserved it.

  67. I bought the magazine yesterday simply because of the kitchen on the front cover. I was tickled pink to see that owner had a blog. So just had to check it out. I love your kitchen and bath. All those pages are marked to go into the my inspiration binder. Just amazing. Thanks for the inspiration

  68. awesome news, maria - can't wait to see it!

  69. I absoLUTEly know this magazine, Maria! That is a HUGE honor!! Congratulations! I can't wait to get my own copy. Your home is so lovely. You better frame a copy for yourself! YIPPEE!

  70. Oh my gosh, this is the magazine I'm embarassed to say that the check out person practically has to rip out of my hands every time I go to the supermarket! So incredible {but it makes sense} that you're on the cover--yay! I can't wait to see it in person! Wishing you a wonderful weekend Maria!


  71. Oh my goodness!!! I will go pick up a copy---saw it the other day and almost grabbed it!! It's official----I love your style and you beautiful home!! Wow! Happy to have found your blog---so fabulous!

  72. AnonymousMay 07, 2010

    Congratulations!!! the pictures look sooooo good!

    I have to go to the bookstore and pick up a copy!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Flavia Soaps & More

  73. CONGRATULATIONS !!! Wow !! It must be great to see your own home in a magazine ! You deserve it 'cause your blog is really really beautiful...
    Nice weekend !


  74. Wow! I saw the magazine while waiting in line at Kroger's the other day. I was going to buy it, but felt guilty since I've been out of work for a while so I put it back. I didn't realize it was YOUR kitchen! Now I want my hubby to go pick it up for me. Your kitchen is beautiful and so much like what I want in my own home. I keep telling my hubby I want the butcher block countertops. I have already painted my cabinets and purchased the drawer pulls. Congratulations on getting published. That's amazing!!!!

  75. Wow, that is fabulous, and what a great kitchen. Many congratulations.

  76. oh, i can't wait to search for this magazine. love love this.

  77. How fun! It's a good thing you bought all those copies, because you KNOW everyone in your family will want one of their own.:) Great job, your home looks not only beautiful, but warm and cozy, too. xo Lidy

  78. YEAHHHHH, girlfriend! How fun! I am running down to Barnes & Nobles today - on Mother's day - to get a copy! I am so proud of you!!!

    And Happy Mother's day to you wonderful friend and mother.

    Love, Mon

  79. Congratulations, Maria!! It's beautiful!! I will definitely get a copy! – g

  80. Congratulations,and what a beautiful kitchen you have! I am going to look for a copy today! I have been enjoying your lovely blog with my morning cup of tea. Everything is amazing!

  81. How exciting! I can't wait to get my hands on it. What a well deserved honor.

  82. A feature on D*S would be awesome, but this would take the cake for sure. Your home (and blog) remind me of all the little things I want to do around this old place :)

  83. oh you superstar!!! hooray!!!! i am going out to buy it now!!!

  84. Congratulations Maria! Your home looks beautiful :)


  85. Hi. I just followed your link from Rue's, and I am going to add you to my blog roll! I am also going to pick up that magazine at the grocery store tomorrow!
    Love your kitchen. It's beautiful! Your magazine feature is well deserved.
    Hope you have a wonderful day! Beth. :)

  86. Oh how wonderful - and how gorgeous! I can't wait to go and peek at the bookstore. Congratulations!! I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day and that your week is off to a wonderful start.

  87. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    Hello.... I have just found your blog after buying KBM for YOUR kitchen and want to thank you. Just in the nick of time you have saved me from painting my kitchen walls yellow. We have the beadboard, are painting formerly hideous cabinets white, and my favourite vintage and new bits (and newly painted island) are a vintagey turquoise. Thanks to you, my walls will now match my entryway in the soft taupey beige. Your kitchen and bath are so warm. Many, many thanks for the inspiration. :)

  88. Marìa, encantadora y preciosa tu casa!!! por eso has sido publicada en esta revista, que no existe acà en Chile, de lo contrario voy ahora mismo a comprarla. Realmente te felicito por tu gusto decorativo, me fascina!!!!
    Ya habìa estado en tu blog anteriormente pero como no tienes la opciòn de seguirte es difìcil volver a encontrarte.... bueno, no me queda màs alternativa que agregarte a mi lista de blogs favoritos, y re feliz.
    Te envìo un abrazo cariñoso,
    Maria Cecilia

  89. I FINALLY got a chance to get my copy and I ADORE it! Your kitchen is absolutely GORGEOUS my friend. GORGEOUS....and I wish mine was just like it! Truly....I also wish I could live next door so we could sit and drink tea and chat at that wonderful little eating nook. So cosy, comfy and inviting. I love your style darlin, you are so very talented. Maybe it is your beautiful nature shining through? I think so!

  90. That is completely thrilling. Your home is so deserving of a magazine cover! I am in love with it. Very, very happy for you. I am going to be looking for this out and about. Congratulations!

  91. I love that magazine! Congratulations! A beautiful kitchen for sure!

  92. omg, congrats! i'm totally going out to buy it. i see that magazine at barnes and noble all the time. can't wait to see the beautiful photos....

  93. oh maria! how divine that your kitchen is on the cover. so many congrats to you for this and for following your designer dreams. love it.

  94. congratulation! This is so exciting, so momentous! You have a lovely home so the front page is definitely well deserved! i'm gonna run and get a copy.

  95. well done, you! your kitchen is lovely, cover-worthy indeed. i will surely look for the article. what a breathtaking abode.

  96. Me again! I am so proud of you girlfriend! I smile with my whole body every time I see the magazine! Smooch! And happy weekend, dear. Mon

  97. *another happy dance just for the pure enjoyment of it all... and it burns calories!*

    I haven't found your magazine yet... I'm searching, and when I do, it really is going on my inspiration board. :)

    sending you hugs, sunshine, and a relaxing weekend.


  98. I just picked up the magazine a couple days ago and showed the pics of your kitchen and to my husband. He loves it, too! Lots of beautiful ideas to try in our own kitchen. My husband now wants to take out the over the range microwave and put in a window there instead!!
    Hope you have a beautiful weekend!! Beth.

  99. I will be getting my copy of the magazine tomorrow...congratulations! What a great feeling of accomplishment you and your husband must have after living through all the renovations and take-out meals. Can't wait to see it...and I'm sure I'll be back with questions!

  100. Maria this is amazing news!
    It looks BEAUTIFUL! Where can I get a hard copy?? I'd love to look at it in real life.

    I love the detail and the light! You have a beautiful home!

    Big hug and congratulations!!

    x Charlotta

  101. Congratulations Maria!!!!!!!
    I am going out to get a copy!!!
    That is so exciting. YOU are very talented!
    Take Care,

  102. I am so excited for you ! I can not wait to get a copy!!!!!!! congrats!!!!

  103. wowie wow wow! excellent! buying one the next time i'm at the bookshop! yay, you! xoxo.

  104. what?! holy cow, that's amazing!!! i hope it's not too late to find a copy. i can totally brag to all my friends. ;)

    wow, maria, you're unreal! i love seeing how your hard work has paid off.


  105. Running out to buy my copy!!!! Oh Maria, congrats! Your decorating taste is well-deserving for a cover shot :)

  106. Oh how exciting! I will be looking forward to buying that issue...your blog is so beautiful I just have to follow it now!

  107. Oh my GOODNESS! Congrats!

    That is such exciting news! Though I'm not surprised... your kitchen is the loveliest!!!

    I'll pick up a copy today! xo

  108. ...Wow ...thanks for sharing your pretty pictures!

  109. Ola' Maria,
    Congratulations!!!! I can't imagine how wonderful this might be. You so deserve it!
    Lovely house, wonderful style and beautiful job you've done in your home.
    Warm wishes from a brazilian blog friend!
    Li :-)

  110. Oh Maria...

    I have some lovely news for you...

    Well first off, let me just say, I finally got a copy of YOUR magazine and it is fabulous! *happy dance* :)

    And I also just wanted to let you in on some other fabulous news...

    YOU WON!

    Mr. Randomizer Number Picker-mo-bob-thingy picked YOU!

    {feel free to insert your own happy dance here}

    I'll also email you just in case you don't get this message, but I'll need your address so I can send you your gift. :)

    Thanks again for being such a sweetheart. I'm happy this is going to you.


  111. Hello, I just found your blog from Daily Cupcake. Congrats on winning her give away and a big congrats on being featured in the magazine! So cool! I am going to go out and buy it today. I love all of your ideas!
    Have a wonderful Friday,

  112. looks like a great article. I think we do get that magazine over here in Australia at selected newsagencies but they cost about $20 Australian. I have been known to splurge though!

  113. I was *just* drooling over that kitchen in that magazine the other day! And today I randomly stumbled across your blog.

    Huge congrats to you! What an exciting feature!

  114. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    I love you home! your style is perfect!!! Can I include your blog in my blog ( as a favorite? greetings from baires. Laura.

  115. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!! i am going to go out and buy it tomorrow...will you still love us now that you are all famous and stuff? xo t

  116. I'm here and a new follower because of the magazine. I can't wait to snoop around your blog and get inspired! We are near Athens, GA and a day trip to Greenville is one of my favorite things!

  117. Hi, I just found your blog today and do you know what? I picked up this issue a few monthes ago just for the article on your kitchen... I love it!! We own an 1840's farm house which was retro-fitted in the 1960's/1970's (read "lovely" pepto-bismal pink bedroom, mirrored wall bedroom, and brown appliances). Needless to say it needs work and your kitchen is now in my inspiration file... (How did I miss your blog though...)

    Take care now! :)

  118. A - MAZ - ING! I love it, buying it tomorrow! -denise


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