A little Etsy love, house news, and a goat

I recently acquired a couple of small beauties via Etsy and I wanted to share them with you because they are just so perfectly lovely and they make me smile every time I walk by them:

a sweet banner made of fabric remnants sewn together by wonderful Jill,

and a pretty lavender sachet made by beautiful Lotta.

As for the house news (and although I hesitate to announce this prematurely), we've finally decided to put it up for sale. I've talked about our desire to downsize and simplify before, and we may just have found a little house that will allow us to live a bit more simply and comfortably. Even though it was not an easy decision to make, I am looking forward to this new chapter in our lives - if the stars align and all that good stuff. (Fingers and toes duly crossed.) We shall see.

Lastly, I wanted to thank Tina - who doesn't have an Etsy store, but is one of those incredibly generous and lovely people that I've met in this blog world and become friends with, despite the distance and the odds.

On learning that Noah dreams of owning vast amounts of land and animals to go with it some day (I think that if he manages to accumulate acres at the rate he's accumulating Lego pieces, he has a good chance of living his dream), she emailed me some pictures of her mother-in-law's farm, including this one:

(Which, by the way, begs the question... could it be that Heather's missing goat is in Australia, not France, after all??)

So, a mixed bag of a post here, but I do hope this finds you and yours well and enjoying life, wherever you may be. All goats aside, there is quite a bit going on around here, so posting may be a little more sporadic than usual for a while.

(images: 1. & 2. me; 3. marie claire maison via mary ruffle; 4. tina)


  1. I love Jill's banner! So sweet.

    And I'm excited for your new chapter. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for a smooth transition. I hope all the stars align. xx

  2. AnonymousMay 22, 2010

    Hello! Well, I know that I've said a million times that I LOVE everything about your home so if I lived closer, the stars would align! :) I am anxious to hear about your plans to simplify. I'm also doing the same thing and the more imput and help to us all, the better. :) I know what ever you do though will turn out fabulous...
    I went back and saved every picture of your home - it's full of all the character and charm that I want.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. It will be lots of fun for your blog readers to see you work on a new house project. I know Tina also through blogging and she is a dear and wonderful lady.

  4. how exciting! good luck with your new transition. i sooo wish we could take that house off your hands!

  5. Hi MAria, whata wonderful heart from Tina and all the things you got! She is a true friend and it's a pleasure and wonderful to be part of her life as a friend here, in Blogland, as she says!
    I bought that you've been feature to remember that "I know the Lady" through my blog!!! That's what I said to my friends...it may sound silly, but I got very happy to know you.
    Just wishing you a lovely weekend filled with sunshine, inside and out!
    Li ~

  6. Hi Maria!
    I discovered you this evening via someone's blog roll, and how happy I am that I did!
    What a lovely blog you have here! And the fact that you love Tina too is just icing. Isn't she just the sweetest gal?

    Wishing you all the best, so nice to meet you. :-)


  7. Your etsy finds are lovely! It serems a few bloggers are selling their houses at the moment - I hope it goes well for you :)

  8. Such great etsy buys! And thanks for introducing me to Lotta, a new favorite seller. Oh man, for selfish reasons I can't wait for you to sell that beautiful home of yours and start working on a new one. More inspiration! Happy Happy Weekend! PS, my husband is jealous of Noah's growing lego collection. Every trip to Target and its "don't you think it would be fun to have some legos?!"

  9. well, bloody hell, what's he doing there! He really is an ass. He seems to be doing a lot of travelling and I simply can't keep up.
    I've missed you, but I imagine the chaos you are living. Change is good - it's hard, but it's good. Can you move to Canada please?

  10. Gorgeous Miss Maria! Thank you so much for the lovely mention, I am blushing right now! I am so happy that Noah liked the pics:) Now, if you think that Heather's goat may be amongst the ones here at the farm, you must come over and make a positive ID, don't you think??

    Now what big exciting news you have to share about the house! I am so happy for you my dear as I can only imagine what a big decision this has been, but it is also obvious it is something you are excited about! I can't wait to hear more and have all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    I love your new Etsy finds, that fabric banner is just gorgeous. Thanks for the link, I think I may have to do a little window shopping:)

    I have missed you the past few weeks but am so happy things are going well for you. I feel so incredibly lucky to have you as my dear, sweet friend. Wishing you a wonderful week. Hugs ~ Txx

  11. Congratulations on your new plans - it is a brave and exciting move and I am certain it will all be great once the transitional phase is over.
    Change is never easy, but it sounds like this new move will give you a solid platform. There might even be room for a little goat!? Noah could build a den for it out of lego! :)

    Jokes aside, I hope you are well Maria and that things aren't too hectic. Breathe deeply and all will be fine.

    Lots of love and big hugs!

    x Charlotta

  12. Maria,
    I just wanted to wish you luck on your new journey in life. I think downsizing and simplifying is a noble cause, and one that will bring you and your family great satisfaction. I have been working on this myself for awhile now, and it has been a wonderful experience. I hope we will continue to hear from you on this lovely blog!
    P.S. That banner and little sachet are adorable!
    Take care,

  13. AnonymousMay 23, 2010

    We have recently downsized and it is an amazing process, not without a bit of pain. But, I just know it was the absolute right thing to do and more in line with who we are and how we need to live to be happy. And though I'm still getting to know our smaller house and our different lifestlye...I'm liking them both very much and can tell that soon I will be great friends with both house and lifestyle. Best to you.

  14. I am excited for you, as I know this is your heart's desire.

    As someone who already lives is a tiny house,I know you will find it rewarding to use every inch of your living space. I always read articles about how the dining room is an abandoned room, only used for holidays. Not in our house. We eat,I blog, German girl studies,and we hang around and talk to friends at our table.
    Just make sure you have a mud room, because there has to be someplace to stash all that extra stuff, especially when people are dropping by! xoxo Jane

  15. Love that banner! Great Etsy finds, thanks for sharing. Also, love the goat (I love lambs and goats). I am with you regarding downsizing, I actually prefer smaller and simpler, I'm just happier that way, and it's less to keep clean and keep up with. Anyway, happy to find your little world, I'm your newest follower!

  16. I just found your lovely blog from Maria @ Dreamy Whites and wanted to say hello! Your blog is absolutely lovely and I wish you all the best of luck with your venture to downsize! Looking forward to getting to know you & your blog! xoxo Beth

  17. I got one of the banners too! Aren't they wonderful?! That is exciting news on the house front...what a fun new adveture :)

  18. AnonymousMay 23, 2010

    I am so excited for you, Maria! It's going to be great and I can't wait to follow this new chapter in your lives. And belated congratulations on your magazine feature - and the COVER no less! What an amazing and exciting week you're having! xoxo, Ally

  19. Mucha suerte !! me encantó el banner de la chimenea. Todo tiene su tiempo y su espacio bajo el cielo, lo decía el maestro yogui Yogananda. Besos

  20. Your Etsy finds are so cute. I love the little sachet on the door.
    Moving, huh? That is such a fun but nerve-wrecking experience. I think that my husband and I are done moving. The home we live in now is just the right size, and we have been doing so much to make it our own, and have so many more things we would like to do. I'm not sure I could sell it.
    Can't wait to see what the future has in store for you. :)
    P.S. My husband and I loved your kitchen so much, we decided to copy a couple ideas from you. I'd been wanting to put open shelves in my kitchen for a while, but I was too afraid to. But when I saw your window shelf and open cabinet in the magazine, I knew that that's what I wanted, so my husband built a window shelf for me, and we took the doors off the cabinet and prettied it up. I love it!! Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration! :)

  21. It has taken me a lifetime to figure out "less is more". You have figured it out at an early age. good for you!


  22. I'm smitten with goats. :-)

    Best of luck with your house sale, Maria. I'm sure someone will fall absolutely in love with it. How could they not with such a pretty kitchen?!

  23. Exactly what Jane said. Good luck to you. My fingers and toes are crossed. Every.Single.One.


  24. Good luck with selling and buying! Your house is so famous now that the selling part should be easy, and as for the buying, whatever you have found will bear your own very distinctive stamp within a week of moving in.

  25. Lovely banner, it fits right in. I might need one of those sachets. I love lavender... What a sweet goat! I have a soft spot for goats. Whenever we are in West Marin we park in front of the Busy Bee Bakery and visit the goats across the street. They always look so relaxed (and kind of silly). Enjoy this transition!

  26. very excited to hear about (hopefully) your new little house. my mom raised goats, but i am not much of a goat person myself. large animals kinda intimidate me.

  27. oh, the banner looks perfect there maria! i hope it will find a happy place in your new home too. that's very exciting news...must feel a bit daunting, but also nice to make a new start. i can't wait to see your new place when it happens, i know you will make it a gorgeous place :)

  28. thank you for showing off the sachet - it could not have found a more perfect setting. Good luck with the house adventures. There is nothing more exciting or more stressful, but I am sure you will pull it off, and that you new place will be wonderful.

  29. Oh Maria, what wonderful things you found on Etsy! And what exciting news about the transition, I absolutely can't wait to see what comes your way! The goat also made me smile, what a great friend to send those pics along to you! And thanks, as always, for your thoughtful comments! You're just so lovely!

  30. I love your etsy finds! I'm sending you lots of good wishes for your transition!

    xo Mary Jo

  31. I've found my way to your lovely blog via rosiesarmoire.blogspot.com then to emma cassi and then here, now i will follow a link from your blog list and carry on my journey thankyou for your inspiration x

  32. What great Etsy finds! And how exciting about your new house adventure. I really hope it all works out for you and your family. Can't wait to hear the progress!

  33. Hi Maria, just found you through sweet Tina. So much sweetness over here, love your blog! Off to read some of your past posts.. Wishing you a wonderful Thursday. Happy Thoughts! xx

  34. I love this mixed bag of a post, Maria! First off, anyone would be lucky to own your beautiful home. I feel like it will sell in no time, so be prepared to part with it quickly when you put it on the market. Second, I, too, think about wanting to downsize, but I know I can't even begin to consider it with two dogs and a baby! It's such a refreshing concept though, and I know one day we'll simplify and either move back to a small apartment in the city or to a sweet little cabin in the country. It's the in-between stuff that gets me.

    PS: LOVE your fabric banner!

  35. How exciting you're going to open a new chapter of your life! We are about to open a new page of our life as we move to Indonesia. I like downsizing by the way. It's more challenging than upgrading in a sense that you have to let go of some items you have been surrounded by and it gives you an opportunity to study what you really want in your life. It will be exciting for all of your readers to see how you will change the new house into your taste. Warm wishes. xo Kaho

  36. There you are my friend! I am keeping my fingers crossed for the perfect house finding YOU! (And I can't wait to see how you are going to decorate it!)

    I am also a proud owner of a satchet by wonderful Lotta! All your other Etsy finds are also beautiful!

    A warm hug, Mon

  37. Hi Maria!!

    So sorry it has taken me so long to get over here! First of all I wanted to tell you your gift is in the mail... Monday came and went and before I knew it the week was over. Please forgive me!! Your package should arrive on Tuesday or so...

    I'm loving that banner and lavender sachets are always a welcome treat in my house. I have them everywhere.

    *I'm practically jumping up and down with excitement* Have you found your little house that you've been craving??? How is the market where you are. I really reeeaally hope everything works out for you. My fingers and toes will be crossed right along with you!!! Such an exciting time!

    Well I hope this note finds you in good spirits and happy heart. Enjoy your Memorial Weekend darling!!



    PS once again, soooo sooooo sorry it took me so long to get your gift out. I really hope you enjoy it. :)

  38. I would be so excited to see how you turned a new house into a lovely home. I am sending lots of good luck your way.

  39. Wonderful and very inspiring blog. Keep up the good word! xo Brit

  40. Goat!!

    And many congratulations on your decision to sell, it's terribly exciting and I can't wait to see what you make of your new home.

  41. Love all these wonderful photos on you blog !!! Greetings from Paris! xo Britta


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