Summer blues

This summer has hit me pretty hard. I've been a little blue, and I haven't been able to shake the feeling off too easily. The heat and humidity have been downright unbearable.

Which brings me to these bears - perhaps you've seen them? I just discovered them today and fell in love. And I laughed and laughed and laughed. And then Bill and Noah came over to see what all the laughing was about, and we shared some chuckles together, delighting in Emily's creations and Tom's words.

And it felt good.

Here is the description that accompanies the bear pictured above (printed here with Tom's permission):

"Are you game?" asked the rabbit
"Sorry. Am I what?" asked the bear

"The game!"


"Are YOU game?"

"But rabbit, how can I? I don't have enough checkers on me." bear could not understand. And he had not a single checker on him.

"No, no, bear, i was asking if you are game not if you are the board of the game"

"Could i be the board of the game, maybe?" bear wondered

"You can be anything you want"

"Well in that case... I would like to be an elephant" said the bear
"Ele what?"


"You want to be a phantelle? What is that?"
"No, rabbit, i would like to be an elephant. But only in the game"

"Then you are game?"

"I think i am"

And bear sure was, and rabbit could not remember what that all was about and so they went for a cup of tea. And cookies. Half a cup of cookies.

They come in different colors - each bear with its own bits of wisdom to share. Emily and Tom have even set up a diminutive studio for their adorable photo shoots..!

Put simply, it was just what I needed on this balmy, rainy afternoon.

(images: em's shop of bears'n'such; found the shop via the lovely Annie's Elsa May)


  1. I've never seen those. Cute!
    Sorry to hear you are having a hard summer. The weather should be starting to cool down a little bit soon. Hang in there. :)

  2. Very cute...

    This has been a little different summer for me too. Not sure why my emotions have been a little topsy turvy, but I did attribute part of it to the intense heat...Fall is just around the corner....

  3. thanks for sharing these sweet creatures and their conversations. i'm sorry to hear you've been blue. maybe some cool autumn air will blow those blues right away. i sure hope so. someone as wonderful as you doesn't deserve to be blue at all.

    sending love your way!

  4. Oh my dear - poor you! There is nothing worse than the blues, especially if all around you is summery heat, but somehow you just can't shake the blah-blue feeling. Sometimes it's best to just go with it, let it be, and not question the why, and hopefully brighter feelings appear bit by bit, and you start to find joy in small (often unexpected) places again... Hooray the bears and their stories gave you a lift - they truly are a delight! Sending you hugs and happiness. Take care, Annie x

  5. These bears are adorable. Things like these always improve my mood--even if fleetingly--so thank you for sharing.

    Have you see the site Cute Overload? It's always good for a smile.

    I hope things get better for you,


  6. Que lastima. I have come to the sorry conclusion that it is better to be housebound in the winter, because then you are able to cook and bake and keep the house warm while making merry.

    But the summer. To open the door to a sunny morning and be faced with a wall of heat and humidity, this is depressing.

    But not forever. Already our nights are cooling down and we have slept with windows open for 2 nights.

    May the cooler days of fall and it's golden light lighten your heart and mind.

    Or maybe take yourself for a pedicure!

  7. I love the way the bears in Tom's Cat attack survivor story are usually doing calm things like reading or drinking tea. Enjoy the rain.

  8. Qué divinos, no los conocía, me encantó el diálogo. Espero que estés mejor, hacía mucho queno te veía. Besos y abrazos de oso !

  9. Thank you for sharing a smile - so delightful!!!

  10. oh...they are soooo cute!

  11. Very charming, and reminiscent of Winnie the Pooh in its deadpan naive style. I'm sorry you've been blue, and wish I could send you a vial of counterbalancing orange, or sunflower yellow, or be your fan in both senses of the word.

  12. Love those sweet little stuffies so cute!
    I hope that you will get a lift of mood soon...if I may be so bold...can you plan a day just for you and indulge in simple pleasures? might help...and it can't hurt!

  13. Thank you all for being so kind. It will pass. Fall will be here soon enough and I'll be better once I can get out of the house and take my long walks around the neighborhood.

    Thanks again.


  14. These are just sooooo sweet!

  15. those bears are so darn cute! The weather will change, your hair will be silky smooth again and you wear a sweater for a nice long walk. All will be right once again. But in the mean time, just think of happy things and maybe watch Animal Planet. Happy Monday!

  16. So fun and whimsical! I like their shop comment about browsing around and making snow angels. It reminds me of my daughter who I found laying in the grass the other week, sweeping her arms and legs around. When I ask what she was doing? Making snow angels of course!

    Here are some things I do to lift my spirits:
    1.Dance. For real! By yourself of with your family, have a dance party.
    2.Have dinner by candlelight.
    3.Take a ride on a swing and go high.
    4.Bake a cake. (OK, but maybe in the heat just make a fancy ice cream sundae!)
    5.Take a walk in a garden (or nature preserve or conservatory).
    6.Find water. A spray park or even a run through the sprinkler is so fun!
    7.Visit the library, it’s always soothing and you often discover something new or inspiring.

  17. So cute! Sorry to hear that you've had the blues. I have heard that from a lot of people (myself included) this year. I hope that you are able to feel better soon.

  18. Blues, blues go away. Go! (had you lived closer I would have been over in a heart beat).

    Don't be so hard on yourself - life goes up and down but laughter sure can cure a lot of less happy times.

    Put on upbeat music, watch FUNNNY movies and yes go back to those bears over and over again!

    Hang in there Maria - love you lots.


  19. hey - I hope you´ll feel better SOOOOON! Sending you a hug from rainy germany and a smile too!

  20. THIS IS SO CUTE, and i'm hoping for the blues to dissipate soon for you ;)

  21. So cute! I'm sorry this summer has been tough. Sending you lots of hugs. I think about you often. I wish I could bring over cakes and tea and we could chat!

  22. did you mean to pun the 'felt' comment? Ah, the blues..they suck. Had them many a time myself when life seems to be stuck. if only we lived closer..

  23. Hola María, es cierto que los extremos producen un desbalance en el ànimo, pero tambièn es cierto que somos creaturas que podemos adaptarnos y sobrevivir a muchas cosas... fuerza y arriba el ànimo, hay cosas que dependen de uno mismo!!!!
    muchísmos cariños,
    maria cecilia

  24. Those are adorable!! The grey is my favorite :-)

  25. adorable!! :) You have a great blog, I'm your newest follower!

  26. Love these and made me laugh too! Just what I needed!

    So glad you are back here. Missed you so much, but have treasured our email chats.
    Thinking of you and hope things are a little better. And cooler.. :)

    Hugs and happy weekend.
    xx C

  27. Adorable! I hope the blues are easing away a bit, Maria :)
    maybe the changing seasons will bring some cooler temperatures down your way! I hope!

  28. I love these!

    A friend just sent me this link which reminds me of these critters, or the feeling anyway:


  29. Dear sweet Maria. I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling down. I wish I had stopped by sooner, I am so sorry. I hope that things look brighter soon and I can certainly see why these bears and their wisdom made you smile so:) Wishing cooler days and lots of smiles your way my friend. Hugs ~ Txx


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