
I've been walking around feeling a little bit dazed with all that's been going on lately. It has all been terrific and a little bit terrifying at the same time, and as a result, emotionally, somewhat exhausting.

Between the photo shoot, and following a couple of leads for doing design work (maybe - we'll see), and keeping up with my part-time job at a nonprofit, and being a mom and wife, and continuing on with other general domestic duties, I must admit I've been feeling somewhat overwhelmed. So. What do I do at times like these..?

I come back to white interiors. And Jane Cumberbatch. I will never tire of her home. I know I've posted photos of it before, but it looks like these may be a little older (or newer?) as the house is styled with an even greater abundance of soothing whites in these pictures - which is exactly what I need to look at when I'm feeling slightly frazzled by life. I hope you'll enjoy these as much as I do...

(images: via the ever-inspiring bliss)


  1. I know that feeling well. I should try your approach of white rooms instead of my usual reach for comforting sugary treats. The rooms are beautiful and I can see how they offer some calm. I especially like the dining room, how it looks like there used to be a fireplace but now just a marble slab against the wall. It is so different and interesting. And those closet doors look like a dream come true!

  2. I'm definitely heading towards calming whites these days. Love these images....

  3. I agree - for me to look at white interiors is very calming, but I wouldn't want to live in them. Is that weird? I have to have color of some sort.

  4. Oh, that's not weird, Char. We all have our preferences... And my house is not all white. (Although, I may have to try it if we move to a smaller home.)

    I think that's the thing with white as the main background color - you can always add as many other colors as you want.... But yes. All-white interiors are not for everyone, I know. And that's not weird at all, dear.


  5. love this blog- maybe we can link!

  6. I can totally see why this relaxes you. I really love the stiped sofa and chair. Wishing you a wonderful day Maria!!

  7. Oh the floors, oh the subway tiles. Oh goodness. Here's wishing the flood waters of overwhelm away.

  8. I am so in agreement with you! I think for me the most beautiful and relaxing thing, is a white and bright home, with here and there, a touch of natural wood, fabrics in warm colors, the green leaves of plants, the colors of the flowers... this is my ideal home.

  9. oh lady i hear you...i'm so proud of you---and thanks for these relaxing and totally the opposite of my crazy world interiors to give a little calm for a few minutes...oxox, deb

  10. María: me pasa que adoro ver éstos ambientes con mucho blanco,pero que si los tuviera...terminaría agregándoles en algún momento algún detalle de color!
    El color me puede!!!

    Igualmente en casa, fui blanqueando algunos muebles,para renovar y aportar un toque más moderno,sin dejar de lado lo antiguo!

    Hermosa imágenes!

  11. I have had her book for ages and I adore it. It is so peaceful and warm. Here's hoping tranquility finds you!

    Smiles~ Michelle

  12. Definitely a sanctuary. Love the bedroom. Hoping it brings you some tranquility...

  13. It just feels so open and peaceful, so much space for pondering whatever suits your mood. I hope you are getting a little rest today. Maybe you can take a moment for yourself this afternoon (or tomorrow) and hide away in the corner of a cafe with something warm to drink, sweet to eat, and nice to read. I'll be thinking of you. Take care of yourself, okay?

  14. Those are beautiful photos, Maria. Thank you for sharing them with us!

    It is SO hard for me to keep a room completely white. I love the way these interiors look, but it just somehow looks "off" in my own house and I start to add strong contrast in - dark grays, black, dark wood. Not sure I'll be able to have the restraint to have a 100% white room. My 8yo's room may be the closest we get, she's set on everything white. "I just think it will look so crisp and bright!" she says :) She's right, I know. Maybe her room will give a good idea of whether I really need to add in all that contrast or not.

    Thanks for the post!


  15. Quietude is one of my very favourite words. These are super rooms, and after an hour in them I'd be yearning for the frazzle. I guess I just don't have enough inner peace for the outer peace. Your life sounds busy in a very good way, Maria, and I hope your daze eases and melts away.

  16. Mise, I think you have plenty of inner peace, which is why you probably don't need your spaces to be this soothing. I, on the other hand, have plenty of inner frazzle, thus like to surround myself with serenity - perhaps because I can control serenity in my immediate environment better than I can in this noisy head of mine.

    I, too, love the word quietude. And I love that you noticed it.


  17. I love white and those seersucker sofas are just beautiful.

  18. No, no, no, dear! Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Stay away from the computer for a little bit (that is what causes the most stress I feel). And just enjoy all wonderful things coming your way. And then tackle them one at a time. Not all at once! (:

    The images are indeed soothing. And they offer calm even to my storms!

    Thinking of you! Cyber hug, Mon

  19. What a lovely home! So soothing and calming. I love all the details. Helps me relax too! Hope the clients work out!

  20. I adore the fresh, airy look of white rooms. Too bad the little dude makes that IMPOSSIBLE to have in our home. Ah ha ha

  21. white truly calms me....thank you for sharing these lovely photo choices.

  22. Beautiful! I agree - completely soothing. I look for ideas of home to ground me in my most frazzled moments too. It's just about the decorating but also the feeling. I think your house evokes a similar calm, serene sense as this one.

  23. SO soothing and calm....I am glad so many exciting things are going on for you and also, sorry for the feeling of being overwhelmed. I am so glad you have a serene place to visit....this gorgeous home and....your OWN. It is equally gorgeous and serene. *sigh*

  24. White is calming - I love it and about 80% of my home is white. I love the images you posted. It always inspires me. It's hard juggling life, work and family. We, as moms, are fabulous at it.

  25. Dear Maria, I totally understand you. I have been feeleing quite overwhelmed lately, too. And I agree with you in times like that it feels so good to go back to eternal simplicity. I love Jane Cumberbatch's style. It always inspires me. I hope you will be able to slow down a little bit and to sort things out. Have a nice weekend! Monika

  26. I often wish I could live with so much white. I've never tried. I think with three children, boys, it wouldn't maintain it's pristine state for long. And that's so much of the appeal for me. The beautiful serene quietude as you so eloquently put it. But even just looking at these rooms takes me to another place. So perhaps that's enough. I hope you find that place this weekend, Maria. Get some r + r.


  27. Maria, these are so lovely! i wish i could crawl inside these photos and veg out! hope you are doing well and are able to find some rest soon!

  28. I love her house too. Well, bits of it. I want to throw some colour at the dining room. The rest I love. I read about it once, it's all white because she rents it out for location photography and filming and the film crews decorate as they wish then repaint everything white when they leave!

    I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed. Quiet wishes to you my dear.

  29. me too...me too. i always come back to white for a breath of fresh air, we are too much alike friend (minus the photo shoot part...hehe). that's why i love coming back here so much...xo t


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